Thursday, October 28, 2004

Random thoughts

After a flurry of last minute editing and revision, I finally finished my personal statement and got my early acceptance application off last night. I’m applying to Vanderbilt with the hopes that I’ll get accepted early and I won’t even have to apply to other law schools. It really isn’t that hard to apply, it’s just annoying and time consuming. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, every time I sat down to work on the personal statement I would find something more entertaining to do. Like watching paint dry. Or write on my blog! Actually, I’m writing on my blog now because I have an oral presentation and a final project due tomorrow, and I’ve barely started both of them. So the blog seems a much more attractive option.

I have numerous projects to work on at work, and although none of them really keep me busy full-time, they are usually fun to do and I like them. Except for this one assignment. It really isn’t hard; it just requires me to call around to a bunch of places and try to drum up support for an online information-sharing forum. I simply have no desire to do it. I didn’t like the project from the beginning, when one of my supervisors suggested that I work on it. He is usually a fairly good communicator, but this time he sat down and explained what he wanted, and after 15 minutes of talking I still didn’t have a clue what he was trying to achieve. So I continue to ignore it while I work on more entertaining projects, like working an office in Puerto Rico. My contact down there has the last name of Babilonia (Babylon). I think that’s hilarious. I wonder if he’s extremely wicked.

This entry is turning out to be a mishmash of random items, so I might as well throw in a few I find funny. Tuesday evening up in DuPont Circle they had the Annual High-Heel Race. DuPont Circle is known for its gay entertainment and homosexual population. I was very disappointed that I wasn’t able to see fifty drag queens running a quarter mile in high heels, but I’m probably better off not seeing it. Still, it would have been funny. Anything absurd like that is funny. One time my old Boy Scout troop had a wacky boat race that had six different groups making boats out of things they found at home. One was made out of 50-gallon drums and a bicycle. One was made out of a tarp, duct tape, and balsa wood. One sank immediately. The bicycle one broke within ten seconds. It was hilarious. But I really would have liked to see the drag queens trucking it around the Circle. That’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience.


At 4:42 PM, Blogger erin said...

How did you personal statement turn out? You didn't mention the fact that you were sending it off so soon, silly. You should have said you had a deadline. Well, I hoped my comments made sense and you don't hate me for working on it. It really was good, just needed a little bit more pow in it. Let us know what happens, eh? :)


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