Monday, November 29, 2004


I have more or less disappeared the last few days due to a splendid Thanksgiving break. It’s probably the longest period of time I have gone without posting on my blog since I started it, which says volumes about my social life (or lack thereof). But my weeklong break was welcomed and extremely enjoyable, so now that I am back with the rest of the world I will try to write about it because it was funny.

I must clarify that I had access to a computer most of the week. Three of them, actually. So it’s not like I was incomunicado for a week. I simply had better things to do. I think I watched an average of 1.7 movies every day and ate vast amounts of turkey, stuffing, and pies. When I did get online I spent most of my time checking out the Board, which is my one true Internet love. Even my recently renewed amusement with Homestar can’t beat the Board. I’ll probably be 40 years old and still logging on to read it and complaining that it was better in my day.


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