Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I'm right

Here's a funny little thing I've been thinking about. One of the fun things about having a blog (or little domain to call your own) is that you can always be right. For instance, an anonymous reader left an ignorant comment on my post about annoying nicknames and I had the luxury of blasting him/her and being backed up by Uffish Thought. It’s like people who have their own radio shows: they always win the arguments because by definition they have the last word. It’s their show and the people who listen to it are their supporters. You can’t win an argument with a show host. Well, maybe you can if you’re John Stewart on Crossfire.

Speaking of Crossfire, it is a truly intriguing show. I don’t really like watching it: I think it’s contentious and unimaginative. It isn’t fun or interesting to watch. It’s an ugly and sometimes vicious knock-down drag-out brawl for fifty-year-old men. What intrigues me is what it says about America. CNN is supposedly is an intellectual news media organization, but Crossfire is the political version of The Jerry Springer Show. I haven’t seen Bob Novak stand up and wag his finger and accuse anyone of having his baby, but maybe that’s in the “Too Hot for TV” version.


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