Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Call it

It's 12:30 AM and WAY past my bedtime, but I'm still up hitting "refresh" on my browser every 30 seconds watching the results come in. I'll be in to work late tomorrow, but so will everyone else. At the last minute I decided to throw out bipartisanship and all semblance of impartiality and just route for Bush and hope he whupped Kerry in Florida and Ohio. What's a game without routing for a winner? And what's politics if not the biggest game in the world? I've been following the results via CNN, which hasn't been as reticent to declare the winners as the NY Times but not so eager as the Washington Post. With 82% of polls in from Ohio, CNN is reporting that Bush is maintaining his 130,000 vote lead over Kerry. Go Buckeyes. They just called Colorado for Bush, which was surprisingly close. With 72% of New Mexico polls reporting, Bush has a 5 point lead over Kerry. Wisconsin, Michigan, and Nevada seem to be going to Kerry, although it's only a 3,000 vote difference in Nevada. But we all know that only Ohio and Florida matter right now.

I'm going to call it for Bush and call it a night. For all of you up blogging tonight or following the results in later time zones, here's a fun Web site to help you pass your time. And if your candidate loses, you can use the site for therapy tomorrow. Good night everyone.


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, that's a great way to track your husband's habits!! I should set one of these up for Mr. Mynamyn*...knowing him, though, he'd just modify the code so it'd post at whatever time he wanted, and not the actual time. Oh well. There's always the Spanish Inquisition interrogational techniques. Benvolio* knows about those...although he used to call it the "Mynamyn"* Inquisition.

*names have been changed to protect the bloggers...


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