Monday, November 29, 2004

Black Friday

This year I was introduced to a peculiar phenomenon I had previously avoided like the plague. It started with me being dragged out of bed and climbing into a car with my mother-in-law at 6:15 AM the day after Thanksgiving. Before I knew it we were scanning the parking lot at Wal-Mart with blood-shot eyes, looking for a place to park. Why in the world was the parking lot full so early in the morning, you ask? The answer, Black Friday, is a force of nature and is a sight to behold for the shopping newcomer like myself.

Everyone knows that it’s one of the biggest shopping days of the year, but I actually didn’t know it was called Black Friday until last week. As The Redhead’s mom explained it to me, it’s when retailers get into the black (make a profit). I think the real reason is because the sky is still black when people get up to go to the stores. So at 6:30 we were dodging shopping carts laden with TV’s and other large appliances while picking up a few items on sale at Wal-Mart. I went along for company and for a chance to get The Redhead a gift while she wasn’t there to see it. What did I get her, you ask? Well, I might tell you if she didn’t read my blog. But she does, so you’ll have to find out on Christmas like she will.

There was another reason I rolled out of bed at such an unholy hour: a reason far more self-serving. We had decided to get ourselves a Gamecube as a Christmas present to ourselves, and the local video game store had a special deal. Nintendo had already dropped the price to $99 for a Gamecube, two controllers, and Mario Kart Double Dash. That was tempting enough, but we caved when we saw in the local ads that a store nearby was offering some other goodies with it, including some games for our N64. So we left the store with our splendid new console and the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye, two N64 must-haves. We were immensely pleased. But we had to pack them up because we don’t even have a TV in our tiny apartment right now. Heck, we don’t even have room for a TV in our apartment right now.

So we’re actually well on our way to getting Christmas gifts for people this year. It’s a first for me; I usually don’t think about it until a week or two before Christmas. Last year I didn’t get anyone a gift. I was busy doing something else. What was it? Oh, that’s right . . . I got married.


At 4:56 PM, Blogger Trueblat said...

Wow, three in a day, you must have really gone through blog withdrawal. That, or a slow day at work.

Me... I'm just avoiding the immense ammounts of homework that I should have had done last Wednesday, this being my second or third comment today, at least I didn't write up a blog entry today.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Gamecubes are fun. I got Dinomight a Gamecube for Christmas last year and do you know where it is right now? That's right, under the bed. I guess that's what happens when you have multiple systems and not enough time to play them and not enough games for one of them. Someone is, however, coming out with a Gamecube mod chip that might come in handy. Then those cursed $50 mini-disk games won't be such a problem anymore. You're braver than I was to go out on Black Friday. You can imagine what it was like around here. Madness!!

At 12:15 PM, Blogger erin said...

Lucky you. My entire family, of course, was stuck up in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. They talked about driving to Denver, but we went skiing instead. Better choice. However, I'm sure there are some deals that we missed out on. I don't even want to know.


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