Sunday, December 26, 2004

We're loaded with booty

The Redhead and I have the most splendid dilemma. Most problems are unfortunate, or at the very least annoying. But this one is quite possibly the most marvelous problem I have ever encountered. We simply do not know how we’re going to get all of our Christmas gifts back to Utah in our car. Is that a great problem or what?

Since my internship ended after the first full week in December, we had almost three weeks of Christmas vacation. I actually don’t really like that much vacation time. I think a week or so is a good amount of time to visit family. But after a week I start to get bored with things and I just want to get back to business. In fact, if I could design the holiday, I’d split up the Christmas break and put part of it in spring so BYU could actually have a Spring Break during Winter Semester. Around March or so I really need a break. So since we were staring three weeks of nothing in the face, and our new apartment contract didn’t start until the 28th of December so we couldn’t even move out earlier, we decided to split our time between our respective families. And it’s been very fun, since as soon as things get boring we change it up and go do something new, mooching off different family members. And it’s nice to spend time with both sides of the family during the Christmas season. But there was an unintended consequence of our dual visits: double presents.

As is my custom, I slept in a little on Christmas day. The Redhead’s siblings were banging at the door telling us to get up. “It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas!” they said. I shouted back, “No, it’s not Christmas, go back to bed!” which only increased the fury of their pounding. I’d like to think that they wanted us to spend Christmas with them, but they actually just wanted us to get up because they have a rule that you can’t open presents until everyone is awake and dressed. So we finally finished toying with the sibs and we all got dressed and went out into the living room, and we stood there gaping. We had struck the mother lode!

Our take for the day was truly impressive. The Redhead and I got a very nice keyboard piano, which is perfect for our apartment living since it has headphones. (Loud noises doth not good neighbors make.) I got several books, which is just about all I wanted. They all accused me of being a nerd for my book selection. (There is nothing wrong with asking for the complete works of Shakespeare and Plato’s Republic for Christmas.) We also got clothes and stuff, which I am of course addicted to. But we also got a game cube with a couple games and extra controllers and various electronic toys and gadgets. This was merely a part of the pile of stuff in the room, which also included a drum set, a new TV, and a stack of DVD’s that was more than 3 feet high when we piled them all together. What a great example of American consumerism. I would call it gross excess if I didn’t know how good of a deal The Redhead’s mom got on the stuff. So we got tons of loot. Good thing my parents gave us a new car to carry it all back to Utah.

It’s been a good Christmas.


At 5:58 PM, Blogger Etelmik said...

I'll be the first (last?) to comment on behalf of the rest of us, Ben:

You stink.

Er, ahem. I mean.....WOW. Wealthy.

Okay, you don't really stink, but you know what I mean. I'm greener than an emerald with envy, my brotha. Though I DID get almost everything I asked for...

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Benvolio said...

Don't worry TO, you don't have to be too green yet. When I said "new car," I meant "new to us." It's just my dad's old car. He actually did get a new car, the lucky sucker. I guess he deserves it, though, since he was in school until he was 30 and has put 20 years in a career.

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Benvolio, you should know that "The Redhead" link in your blog text today takes me to a blog that DEFINITELY is not your Redhead's blog. Wow. And everyone knows that you're loaded with booty, mi hermano gordo. (Me gusta big booty, y yo no miento...Did they do a spanish version of that song??) Anyway, give us a jingle when you know when you're coming in so we can be all ready. Oh, and Wymount is all out of double beds, so you might have to tough it out on the air mattress unless you have one stashed away somewhere. Have a great trip! BE SAFE!!!

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Christie C said...

I incurred the wrath of my siblings one Christmas when I refused to get out of bed at 7am to open presents. My dad came in and told me that I had to get up so we could open presents. "Christmas isn't about presents! It's about family and love! And I'll love my family a lot more if I could get a few hours more sleep!"

It didn't work.


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