Friday, December 10, 2004


You never know how much junk you own until you have to pack it up and schlep it across town or across country. And I, my friends, have a lot of junk. I may like to mock America’s über-consumerism, but I enjoy having stuff just as much as the next bloke. So I’ve just spent a long day packing and cleaning, and I’m bushed. I wish I could say that I won’t have to do that again for a long time, but I already know that I’ll have to move again after next semester. Why, you ask? ‘Cuz I just got accepted to law school and I now have a definitive exit strategy for my BYU experience.

This whole semester I’ve enjoyed DC immensely, but I like Provo too. It’s really more of a people thing than a place thing, although I do like the skiing and the hiking. Although the greater Provo/Orem area isn’t exactly the cultural epicenter of the West, it’s a nice place to live for a while. But I never planned on staying forever, and I never could see myself old and raising a family in Utah. So now I’m heading back to finish up, and then I’ll be heading out. And to tell the truth, I’ll be very sad to go. It’s not just the fact that I’ll have to stop writing for the Board, although that certainly does strike fear into my heart. It’s saying good-bye to everyone that made my college career worthwhile. This time around is just for practice; next time we pack up and go, it’s for good. So I’ll bid farewell to my fair Verona, knowing full well that it isn’t mine anymore. It’s okay; I’ll make my new city my new home, and it’ll be really cool. But the gray lining to the silver crowd is what you leave behind.

So blogging from DC, this is Benvolio signing off.


At 3:49 AM, Blogger Kiki said...

Yay for getting accepted to law school! And yay for moving back to Provo! You'll get to meet my way awesome roommates. They are fahbulous, I tell you. Ok, well, see you soon!

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Christie C said...

Where'd you get accepted to law school? Congratulations! I have to say, getting kicked off the Board strikes fear into my heart, too.

At 4:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Personally, we here in Provo can't wait to have you back. Whenever we're doing something with the freshman crowd or remotely Board-y everyone is like "Where's Benvolio and the Redhead...we wish they were here!!" And now you will be. Mu ha ha ha. The Lees are moving out of YOUR apartment this weekend, so we'll pick up your key next week probably. I'll make sure they give it a thorough cleaning. Give us a call. Do you need a ride from the airport, or are you driving? Cheers!


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