Friday, January 14, 2005

What you leave behind

Today I finally got around to changing my location on my blog bio. Sadly, I no longer reside in Washington, D.C. I admit, saying you live in Provo isn’t nearly as cool as saying you live in the District. That, in fact, is one of the things I miss about D.C. So I’ll start my list.

  • I miss the sights. I miss walking to work and seeing the Capitol every day. I miss seeing the Washington Monument in the distance as I walked to the grocery store. (I do NOT miss the prices at that miserable little Safeway in the Watergate Complex, however.) I miss walking down to the Potomac on warm evenings and watching the city lights reflect off the water as boats go by.
  • I miss the food. I miss having every type of cuisine known to man available within a 6 block radius of our apartment. I especially miss the fact that we were within walking distance of two Chipotle's, and now we aren't within several hundred miles of one. Long live the burrito.
  • I miss The Washington Post. Not that The Deseret Morning News and The Salt Lake Tirbune aren't decent newspapers, but having the Post available every day was great. Good journalism is a thing to be admired.
  • I miss the showerhead from our little bathroom. I don't miss much else about the tiny apartment we lived in, but I miss the showerhead. It delivered the most exquisite spray that was like a massage every morning. Now our shower head is 4 inches lower than my head. Unacceptable.
  • I miss being there when stuff happens. The elections were crazy in D.C., but I wouldn't have wanted to have been anywhere else. I liked going to congressional hearings and oral arguments before the Supreme Court. Every time something important happens, I wish I was back. I can't believe I missed the Supreme Court decision on the Booker and Fanfan cases. Now I have to read about the implications for federal sentencing guidelines on NY Times Online. Crud.
  • I miss the cool Spanish-speaking branch where The Redhead and I went to church. I don't miss the hour-long Metro ride, but I do miss the crazy way Hispanics do things. The Redhead even gave talks and taught lessons without speaking Spanish. Plus, we got to try pupusas. You can't argue with that.
  • Speaking of the Metro, I miss its utility. It was nice to be able to travel in an hour-and-a-half radius just by walking a few blocks and catching a train. I wish Provo used trains or trams instead of buses. Buses are seriously lame.
I miss all of that stuff. But I'm glad I don't live in D.C. for good. It's no place to raise a family, and it would definitely be more fun if I were rich, single, and not a member of the Church. So I guess we'll stay in Provo for a few more months, since being poor, married, and a member just makes you average around here.


At 4:32 PM, Blogger Amy said...

I have been away for nearly two years now and I still get homesick for D.C. I used to drive to Arlington Nat. Cemetary on Saturday mornings and go running from there, across the Potomac, and around all the monuments - none of my running routes here in Provo are comparable to that :)

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Ethan said...

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At 4:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I would just have you know that I'm "Anonymous" because all the user names I wanted when registering were already used... and let me tell you, I tried not a few. Anyway, on to the topic at hand. DC is a fantastic place, especially since I lived there for my last three years of high school (right outside of Anacostia, go figure.) I know all the places of which you speak, and I completely understand the nostalgia. Because you seem to be familiar with the GW/Georgetown area, I was wondering if you know the GW Deli on G St. between 22nd and 23rd or so. It had the most amazing empanadas, and my school was right across the street from it. The School Without Walls, where our bricks fell down and our floors bubbled. And to add to your list of things to miss, I would like to add the cherry blossoms in March by the FDR Memorial, and the Messiah Sing-In at the Kennedy Center, held on the 23rd of every December. Luckily I got to go when I visited home for Christmas. I'm going to miss the flowers this year, though...
So, a bored reader's response to a very, very good blog entry.


At 12:23 PM, Blogger Benvolio said...

Sadly, Anu, I never had the pleasure of trying the empanadas in the Georgetown Deli, although I've certainly had my share of those delicious, artery-clogging delicacies. (My favorite? Shredded beef and cheese.) Provo is a cool town and all, but it just lacks the atmosphere that other places have. No wonder Duchess misses London; those places are just cool.


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