Thursday, March 03, 2005


These are my top laugh-out-loud movie moments. They don't really serve any purpose other than to feed my ego in my rash assumption that other people care what I think.

Tommy Boy
When Chris Farley and David Spade pretend like they're getting attacked by a swarm of bees to get out of a speeding ticket, I just can't even stop laughing. I know it's stupid humor, and I know it's terribly unrealistic, but I just can't help it. Honorable mention in this movie is the scene with the deer.

Black Sheep
In the same vein but not of the same caliber, this movie really wasn't that funny to me. Not even the "Kill Whitey" scene made me laugh that much. In fact, it would be a wholly worthless experience were it not for the scene when the roof of the cabin blows off and Chris Farley's top bunk collapses on David Spade on the bottom bunk. I've only seen this movie once, about 9 years ago, but I still laugh to myself when I think about it. Hoo, boy, I'm chuckling as I write this.

The Gods Must Be Crazy
Never seen this one? You should if you haven't. It's such a low-budget 80's camp classic. The part that gets me rolling is when the guy gets chased by a rhino right into the schoolteacher while she's undressing. That's just classic situational comedy. Honorable mention to the scene when the aborigine is driving the car backwards while standing on the hood.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
This one had to make it into the list somewhere. The trouble with this movie is that the best moments aren't really laugh-out-loud moments. They're more like perfect quotables, but nothing that makes your sides ache. So the laugh-out-loud moment for me was the stupid Trojan bunny flying over the castle wall. Maybe that's just too cliché for most of you, but when I saw it for the first time, I had no idea what to expect. So it was bizarrely funny to me. A very strong honorable mention, however, goes to the scene with Sir Galahad in the castle of the women. Even though it contains the movie's most inappropriate lines, it has the best line at the end when Sir Lancelot and the rest of the nights come to save Sir Galahad from "certain temptation." Sir Lancelot brandishes his sword at the
would-be seductresses and tells Sir Galahad, "It's too perilous." Galahad whines as he is dragged away, "Well, let me have just a little bit of peril?"

This one isn't very intuitive, although the movie certainly had some great comedic moments. I liked how they kept you on the edge, because you didn't know whether you were about to jump or about to laugh. The scene with the tin foil hats gets my vote for best comedic moment. But the part that made me laugh out loud was supposed to be a scary one. When Joaquin Phoenix is watching the TV in the closet and they show the video from the Brazilian birthday party, all the children in the video scream their heads off when the alien steps out of the bushes. I'm a wuss in most scary movies, and Signs sure had me jumping in other parts, but the kids screaming made me laugh aloud in the theater. It kinda made everyone look at me weird. I must have a strange sense of humor.

I have a love-hate relationship with Ben Stiller movies. On the one hand, I think they're stupid, frequently dirty, and more popular than they deserve to be. On the other hand, they have some absolutely hysterical moments that I find myself quoting. The best moment for Zoolander, without a doubt, is the gasoline fight. When his roommate lights up a cigarette, and it flashes to the funeral, I laughed through the entire next scene. I had to see the movie again to hear what they were saying in the next scene because I basically missed all of it.

Napoleon Dynamite
I have to admit, this movie really didn't make me laugh out loud much. In fact, it didn't make me laugh much at all while I was watching it. It was only after I saw it that it started making me chuckle and quote some of the more absurd lines of dialogue. There was one moment, however, that made me crack up. It was where Napoleon tries to jump those boards on Pedro's bike and bites it. Oh, man, I love when quirky dialogue is juxtaposed with low-brow humor. It's such a winning combination.


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