Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My other self

Have any of you ever Googled yourself? My real name doesn’t show up on the Internet much, and none of the references are me. I guess I haven’t done anything noteworthy yet with my life. But my Board name shows up, especially on Yahoo! search, which includes blogs. There are a few other Benvolios out there blogging, but none of them are as regular as I have been, and they mostly write silly drivel the reveals their high-school age. The ironic thing is that there’s another fellow by the pseudonym of Benvolio on Blogger, and he does basically the same thing I do—he answers questions. He does it on his blog, but still, the similarities were eerie. He’s had his blog longer, but I’ve been rockin’ out on the Web for a couple years now, so I predate him. So a quick survey—have any of you found other people with your aliases? What are they doing with your names?


At 11:53 PM, Blogger Benvolio said...

Small correction: I found myself on Google after all. Maybe I'm not completely worthless. . .

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Ethan said...

Ok, cool...

I googled my nym and found a couple other people using the same thing or a derivative of it.

I also found that an answer I gave on the board has been circulated a bit on the web as a "good article" on the topic (and they even included the link to the board)...[grin]...

At 1:30 PM, Blogger erin said...

I found one, but her blog is in some eastern european language like Russian or Hungarian. Doesn't help me out much. But I can't even find my own.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Trueblat said...

My name being the unique name it is, no. In fact, there was only five sites. My blog, the board twice, yours, and mynamin's blog. Scary, no wonder my girlfriend was able to find me before we even went on a first date. She googled my e-mail name.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Krista said...

My real name appears a few times, but none of them are me. And I can't fight through all the references to The Jabberwocky to find other people using Uffish Thought as a name. I found a few posts by me, though. I'm famous. How do I find where they're linked from? Other people seem to be able to find that information.

At 10:43 AM, Blogger Amy said...

My real name appears three times - one is a middle school math teacher in the Jordan School district, one is a 35 runner in a Chicago 5K. The other is me (my results when I ran the Rex Lee Run several years ago). I find this quite interesting...

To get Leibniz to appear as me, of course, I have to do some serious google manipulation involving blatant references to the 100 Hour Board.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger Katya said...

My real name in quotes only brings up a reference to a linguistics conference in which I presented a paper last year. My real name without quotes brings up genealogy pages and pages in Norwegian.

Searching my alias brings up references to the Board and to a number of Katyas who work in physics departments around the world.

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Laulau said...

That's how I found out laulau is a vegetable.

At 4:34 PM, Blogger azurerocket said...

I guess I'm also a racehorse.


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