Thursday, April 07, 2005

Bus stop

I was an idiot yesterday. I know, I know—those of you who actually know me in real life are thinking, “You’re an idiot every day.” But I was really stupid on Wednesday. I was sitting in class and it was absolutely pointless, so I left half an hour into the class and took off. I walked over to the bus stop and got on the bus and sat there pleased with myself for getting out of the class. Except that the bus went straight when it was supposed to turn, and I realized (a little late) that I was on the wrong bus. I had accidentally boarded the Orem shuttle, and I definitely do NOT live in Orem. So I pulled the cord for the next stop, but it was a while before the driver let me off, so I had a nice hike to make. I suddenly found myself on the wrong side of campus from where I live.

I couldn’t take the bus in the opposite direction, because it had just passed by, so I started walking. I figured I might be able to catch the real bus I was supposed to take if I went back to the closest bus stop. So I started walking, and just as I came within sight of the bus stop, I saw my bus pull out. So much for that idea. So I walked all the way home, and got there just about the same time I would have if I had stayed for my whole class. Good job, genius. You’re a smart one.


At 10:21 PM, Blogger Laulau said...

But think of all that exercise you got, and all the lessons you learned....ok, sometimes a waste of time is just a waste of time. Better luck next time.

At 2:26 AM, Blogger Linds said...

Actually, what I was thinking was "when AREN'T you an idiot?". So close, but no bubblegum cigar. :)

At 2:32 AM, Blogger Benvolio said...

Linds, you're a peach.

At 11:29 PM, Blogger Linds said...

A peach, eh? Hmm... that would be: "1) A very attractive or seductive looking woman [syn: smasher, stunner, knockout, beauty, ravisher, sweetheart, lulu, looker, mantrap, dish]; 2) A particularly admirable or pleasing person or thing; 3) A downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh; 4) A shade of pink tinged with yellow [syn: yellowish pink, apricot, salmon pink]; or 5) to divulge confidential information or secrets[syn: spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag, talk, tattle, blab, babble, sing, babble out, blab out].

I'll take definitions 1 and 2, please. You're welcome to the rest. LOL- where DID you get that expression, anyways?

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Benvolio said...

Yes, Linds, you are quite the seductive looking woman. Fortunately for me, I am immune to your feminine guiles. I've actually liked the phrase ever since Peter Parker used it in an episode of The Amazing Spider-Man (circa issue 400) when he was talking to a mildly insulting friend of his named Nick, who had cancer. (Yes, I had a subscription to the comic. No, I'm not ashamed of it.) The phrase popped back up in my head a few years ago when one of the 100 Hour Board writers was writing under the name Peachy. She's living in the Philippines now, but she was really nice when she was around. One time she did The Redhead and I a favor, and the first thing that popped into my head was, "Thanks, Peachy, you're a peach."

At 4:57 PM, Blogger Linds said...

I... you... Geez. I don't even know where to start. You've just given me such an amazing abundance of sarcastic fodder... Yay!

So, you actually called some poor person named "Peachy" a Peach?!? I mean, Peachy the Peach? That's just cruel, Ben. Cruel! Not to mention the whole "I've read over 400 issues of Spiderman Comics, still remember quotes from them, AND unabashedly proclaim it to the general public" thing. Yeah. Oh, and just to let you know- my 'Lindsy Sense' is telling me that Spiderman pajamas and/or bedsheets were heavily involved in your childhood. Nice, Ben. Very nice. Finally, I'd just like to state for random viewers that I am merely naturally seductive, rather than a deliberate 'vixen' or some such. Its not my fault that men everywhere throw themselves at my feet. In fact, I don't even like it- you wouldn't BELIEVE how hard it is to walk on their backs when I'm wearing heels. Stupid supplicants.

At 11:40 PM, Blogger Benvolio said...

Linds, your entertainment knows no bounds. For the record, though I may have wished to do so at the time, I never read 400+ issues of Spiderman. That would have required me to have a subscription well before I was ever born. I just remember it was around there because the 400th issue was double sized and brought a long plot to a close, and it was around there because that was when Mary Jane Watson-Parker quit smoking. Hmm. Perhaps I'm just digging myself in deeper, here.

While I'm correcting the record, let it be known that I intended the original comment to be taken in the second sense, with a certain amount of irony.

And as far as calling Peachy a peach, it's not may fault. I didn't pick her fruity pseudonym.

At 7:31 PM, Blogger Linds said...

Wait. You mean, I'm NOT "a particularly admirable or pleasing person or thing"? You were just being ironic when you said that? Huh. Interesting.

Now, maybe its just because I'm the type of person who didn't even know that Peter and Mary Jane GOT married (though I do admit to having highly suspected it)... but I take potential offense to that! With this in mind, I demand another clarification!!! This time, I wish it to be clearly stated that I, Linds, am a valued Blog visitor and, furthermore, am both particularly pleasing AND particularly admirable. And that I am a person, not a thing. Yes. That sounds about right.

Finally, I'd just like to say that even if Peachy asked to be called Peachy, she did not ask to be called Peachy the Peach, which is just a hundred times worse, and thus the fault falls to you. :P

(When WILL you learn not to argue? Just capitulate. CAPITULATE.)

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Linds said...

Wait. I think I just figured something out here. Um... I'll email you, so remember to check the RIGHT email account this time, eh?

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Benvolio said...

Good heavens. Who would have thought such an innocuous post would have spawned such a lively series of comments. I shall now clarify my initial produce-related comment:

I decline to comment on Linds' attractive or seductive nature--I'm not sure what The Redhead would think about that, but I just can't bring myself to think of someone I have known since second grade in that manner.

I officially intended the term "peach" to mean "a particularly admirable or pleasing person", with a certain amount of irony intended due to Lind's previous comment about my being an idiot. Lest you think I hate you, Linds, I hereby deem you a valued blog reader. In fact, when I switch over to my new blog with my real name and whatnot, you will be one of the people I to whom will give the URL.

Peachy took no offense to my calling her a peach. I didn't actually call her Peachy the Peach. I said, "Thanks [Peachy's real name], you’re . . . a peach."

I have never owned nor will I ever own Spiderman underpants or bed sheets. Though if my hypothetical male children wish to have such paraphernalia, I might permit it.

And yes, I realized the similarities between Peter Parker and myself. I even married a redhead. But my redhead isn't a movie star like Mary Jane, and I lack any sort of super or even better-than-average powers, so the comparison ends there. I sure wouldn't mind some super strength now and then, however. And now I hope the conversation is over.


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