Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Dear 100 Hour Board Readers and Staff,

My freshman year at BYU I discovered two wildly funny sources of entertainment and procrastination: Divine Comedy and the 100 Hour Board. As I left on the customary two-year hiatus from normal life, I made a pact with a friend that we would do one of two things when we got back: try out for Divine Comedy or write for the 100 Hour Board. As all who know me in real life can attest, I'm not that funny—just loud. So my first semester back I applied and got accepted to write for the Board. It has thus been my honor to write for this quirkiest of institutions ever since.

As much as I'd like to make a quiet exit, I can't leave without thanking all the 100 Hour Board readers for making the Board as cool as it is. I really think that the readers, not the writers, are what makes the Board smart and funny. I've laughed at your crazy and intriguing questions for two and a half years now, and I just want to say that it has been a privilege to write for you. I confess that in the past I have frequently complained about readers asking stupid questions or not doing their own research. But the truth is that the Board readership in general is one of the most intelligent and witty segments of BYU. Thank you for your questions, your corrections, and your humor.

But the real reason it'll be hard to leave the Board is the writers. When I first joined, the writers would get together once or twice a year and no one ever knew what everyone else looked like most of the time. But as an ever-evolving entity, the 100 Hour Board eventually changed so that I not only knew who the other writers were, I counted them as some of my best friends and favorite acquaintances. Without exception, my colleagues are intelligent, funny, and great company. I respect and admire each of them very highly. At risk of being overly dramatic, I say to all the Board writers: "I think I shall miss you most of all."

This semester was a rough one for the Board, but it once again proved itself more resilient and adaptable than anyone ever thought possible. And it survived, as it always will as long as people like information infused with humor. The 100 Hour Board has a good home now and it's in good hands. I'm glad I get to leave while the Board is in great shape. I've been a writer for most of my time at BYU, and I even filled in as an editor one time while the real editor was on vacation. But now I look forward to resuming the role I had six years ago—a reader.

Warmest regards,



At 2:30 PM, Blogger Laulau said... more blog, too?

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Benvolio said...

Sorry, Laulau, but probably not. I'm actually blogging on my real name now, though. Shoot me an email if you're actually interested in reading sometimes. It might take all the fun out of it, though, because The Redhead and I use our own names now. Still, it lets us photoblog more often, which is fun.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Vandersun said...

You know, I never really thought of Ben Affleck as an attractive being, but that picture is pretty hot. It's funny how he looks more like Satan, too. I wonder what that says about me as a person.


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