Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Every once in a while I see something on the news or I have something happen to me and I know it’s going to end up in my blog. Sometimes life’s delicious little ironies are simply too choice to not mention. Yesterday was one of those days as I logged onto CNN and saw the report of Senator Hillary Clinton passing out at luncheon speech. There are very few people in this world that I enjoy making fun of more than Senator Clinton, so this was a special treat for me.

I’ve always had issues with Hillary Clinton. When she was First Lady and tried to pass herself off as a veteran lawmaker, I think it was foolish. Indeed, until the 1994 congressional elections, she and Bill tried to sell themselves as two-for-the-price-of-one. This was fairly arrogant, considering they wouldn’t have even been living in the White House at the time if it hadn’t been for an ambitious Texan by the name of H. Ross Perot. But once the Republican Party took a large majority in 1994, I thought we had heard the last of her ambition.

Hooo, was I wrong. I was born in New York, and though I will probably never live there again, I was irked when she exploited the legal loophole that let her move in 30 days before the election and catch one of the choice Senate seats in the nation. I was even more annoyed when a series of extremely unfortunate events handed her the win, including Rudy Giuliani’s messy divorce and cancer diagnosis that forced him to drop out of the race. (I still think it’s a shame; I wanted to see him whup that wench.)

But I started enjoying making fun of Hillary even more when I started working for a guy that is a huge Hillary Clinton fan. He contributes to her campaign, he buys her t-shirts, and he reads her books. What drives me absolutely up the wall is the fact that he really doesn’t know anything about her. He’s from Idaho, not New York. He disagrees with her on every benchmark social issue. He just likes the image. So I take every chance to remind my employer of the foolishness of his position.

Yesterday I saw the report of Senator Clinton passing out, and immediately ran to make fun of my supervisor. He anticipated my coming, and said, “She’s fine, she went to her next appointment.” I then showed him the picture on CNN.com and said, “You call that ‘fine’? “

In the words of The Redhead, “No wonder Bill cheated on her.” She was kidding, of course, but dang. That is one ugly woman.


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