Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Completely mockable

Just so you can get the full effect of the humor in this situation, go to the following links in order.

First, go here.

Then go to this article.

Then, as a final funny touch, go here.

Is that not the most laughable and feeble attempt at publicity you have ever seen in your life? I mean, besides Paris Hilton. The split in Islam between the mainstream/moderate followers and the radical factions has already been extremely divisive worldwide. Thousands of angry young Muslim men have flocked to these extremist camps. But you have to question their sanity when you see their tactics. You are supposedly fighting for the cause of the Almighty by playing with dolls? The other insurgents ought to bomb the fools responsible for this trick, because they have single-handedly invalidated a cause already on shaky moral and religious ground.


At 1:54 PM, Blogger Christie C said...

I saw that on Snopes this morning. Pretty funny. And sad.


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