Happy birthday to me
Today was my birthday. (This means I am much older and wiser than you, Mynamyn.) Let me tell you why it was a nice day:
First, there were no disasters. This is unusual for my birthday. On past birthdays I have gotten grounded, been publicly humiliated, almost gotten arrested, been mugged, been hit on by gay men, missed exams, and other unpleasant experiences. Most of these events make great stories later on (especially the one about almost getting arrested and the run in with the flamers), but they were no fun at the time. (If anyone really wants to hear more about those stories, I can tell them at a later date.) So this time I had a pleasant day without problems. That alone made it a wonderful day.
Second, the weather was gorgeous. The Redhead and I took a stroll around town, enjoying the sights. I took some pictures, and as soon as I figure how to get them posted on this page I’ll do it. I’ll have to find some Web space somewhere. It was a beautiful day, the leaves were turning colors and we sat on a bench by the Tidal Basin and enjoyed the day. What more could you ask for on your birthday? (Besides a BMW or something like that.)
Another reason it was a good day is because I got STUFF. I actually don’t demand expensive things all the time (although if I had more money than brains I could get myself a pretty impressive wardrobe in an afternoon spent in Georgetown). But I got some fun presents: some nice books, a jacket, some DVD’s, etc. The nice kinds of things that make me happy. Oh, and a berry smoothie at Costco. For my birthday. (Thanks to Myn for introducing me to that particular delight.)
Finally, at risk of sounding rather cheesy, it was a good birthday because I got to spend it with The Redhead. Nice days should be experienced with your favorite people, and The Redhead is indeed my favorite person. I would have really liked to have had some other people around, but I’ll take a rain check on everyone else. As long I can see them when we go back to Provo. Preferably when we’re moving into our apartment. Anyone want to help us move? C’mon, it’s my birthday.